<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

genpkg_sod.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT small outline diodes including SOD and others.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

6098 Downloads | 326 Likes | 02.14.2006

lpkf_drl.ulp by admin

This ULP can be used for drilling with a LPKF milling machine. Dieses ULP erzeugt Bohrdaten, die mit einer Fraesmaschine der Fa. LPKF verwendet werden koennen.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

6088 Downloads | 445 Likes | 10.25.1999

part.ulp by admin

Bauteileliste nach Baut.typen sortiert\r\nUploaded by Ivor Krause from Institut für Nachrichtentechnik

6085 Downloads | 410 Likes | 01.22.1999

mount.ulp by admin

This ULP generates a file that can be used with mounting machines. \r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

6079 Downloads | 587 Likes | 03.07.1997

drill_gc.ulp by admin

This EAGLE User Language Program generates a drill configuration file for the current board, which can be used as ASCII rack-file in GC-PREVUE. The main body was taken from DRILLCFG.ULP. \r\nUploaded by Reinhard Daemon from University of Technology Graz

6077 Downloads | 351 Likes | 06.24.2002

part2htm.ulp by admin

This ULP generates a Parts Listing of a board file and outputs it to a HTML file for publishing on a company intranet.\r\nUploaded by Sean D. Alcorn from Avion International Co. Ltd.

6065 Downloads | 600 Likes | 10.13.1997

print.ulp by admin

Layer-umschalt-und Druck ULPpraktisch, um zwischen versch. Sets von Layern für die BRD-Bearbeitung und zum Drucken zu wechseln. Für SCHs läßt sich der Zoom-Faktor wählen\r\nUploaded by Tomsa Herrmann

6053 Downloads | 411 Likes | 04.06.2001

adimv3_0in.ulp by admin

This ULP program will put all the necessary dimensions for holes (layer 45) and board outline (arcs and wires on layer 20) on your board -> in inches. AND IN THE DIRECTORY OF YOUR CHOOSING WITH THE NAME OF YOUR CHOOSING. \r\nUploaded by Jeffrey T. Moore from http://printed_circuits.homestead.com

6053 Downloads | 416 Likes | 02.12.2001

find-single-ended-wire.ulp by admin

Find single ended wire and vias. Sucht nach offenen Leiterbahnenden und Vias.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6051 Downloads | 349 Likes | 04.23.2007

make_drillfile.zip by admin

This ULP generates a drill tool table (*.drl) and a drill statistics (*.drs). The drill statistics is a table of drill diameters with the associated number of drills and the total number of drills. \r\nUploaded by Sven Petersen from Amotec GmbH

6050 Downloads | 347 Likes | 11.03.2003