<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

genpkg_mld.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT molded body inductors, capacitors and diodes.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

6121 Downloads | 365 Likes | 02.14.2006

genpkg_qfp.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT quad flat pack ICs including QFP, SQFP, TQFP, TSQFP and others.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

10905 Downloads | 430 Likes | 02.14.2006

genpkg_sod.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT small outline diodes including SOD and others.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

6118 Downloads | 345 Likes | 02.14.2006

genpkg_soic.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT small outline ICs including SO, SOP, SSOP, TSOP, TSSOP and others.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

14507 Downloads | 443 Likes | 02.14.2006

genpkg_sot.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT small outline transistors including SOT, SC and others.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

6421 Downloads | 376 Likes | 02.14.2006

round_drills_mm_all_.zip by admin

Round drills/holes to 0.1mm multiple in a library. Or in all libraries in a directory. Also a check drill (diameter) on the board.\r\nUploaded by Rindert Nauta from Universiteit Twente

6725 Downloads | 351 Likes | 02.19.2006

position.ulp by admin

This program outputs a file with part, position, and orientation data in a comma-delimited format suitable for import into a spreadsheet or database. This version is targetted toward board shops requiring inch-based data. It has been tested with Eagle 4.1x versions. It is based on 4quad.ulp by Sven Petersen.\r\nUploaded by Diehl \\\"Marty\\\" Martin from freeio.org

6194 Downloads | 340 Likes | 02.28.2006

find2.1.ulp by admin

Diese ULP ist identisch mit find2. Mit dem Unterschied das Grid nicht mehr auf „mil“ und „finest“ gesetzt wird, sondern auf „mm“ und „0,635“.\r\nUploaded by Florian Immel from Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

5277 Downloads | 353 Likes | 03.20.2006

silk_gen.ulp by admin

Generates new top and bottom silk screen layers using lines that are within user-defined width limits. Useful for submitting boards to manufacturers with minimum silk screen line width limits. New features include: one click removal of generated silk screen layers, limit the maximum line width as well as the minimum, select the source layers from a list, convert filled rectangles and circles to outlines and solid filled polygons to hatch filled. For Eagle 4.1.\r\nUploaded by Alex Holden from Nelson, England.

8354 Downloads | 391 Likes | 03.22.2006

parts-coords-mils.ulp by admin

Modification of Walter M\"s program. Outputs PCB component locations in mils instead on mm.\r\nUploaded by Jeff Long from California, USA.

12166 Downloads | 396 Likes | 04.12.2006