<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

renumber-sch_4_4_0.ulp by admin

Erweitert renumber-sch.ulp so, dass Bauteile pro Seite nummerriert werden (2 Stellen Seite, weitere 2 Stellen sind die Nummer auf der Seite). Weiters kann für eine neue Revision die bestehende Nummerierung beibehalten werden (in diesem Fall werden nur Bauteile beginnend mit 00 nummeriert).\r\nUploaded by Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Schreier from Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Schreier

6336 Downloads | 352 Likes | 11.29.2008

eaglespice.zip by admin

ULP for generating a SPICE netlist for WINSPICE Spice-Engine. Supports Operating Point, DC Sweep, AC, Transient and Transfer Function Analyse with Parameter and Temperature Sweep.\r\nUploaded by Rudolf Thalbauer from Frauscher Sensortechnik

8380 Downloads | 373 Likes | 11.23.2008

sch2wmf.zip by admin

Schaltplanseite (oder Board) in .WMF-Datei (Windows Metafile) ausgeben. Für bequemen Import in Textverarbeitungen sowie IE6+: Texte bleiben durchsuchbar, Output-Datei sehr klein\r\nUploaded by Henrik Haftmann from TU Chemnitz

5143 Downloads | 347 Likes | 10.14.2008

bom-am-15.zip by admin

A database with additional information like order codes, manufacturers or prices can be created and managed. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs found in version 14.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

5331 Downloads | 350 Likes | 09.11.2008

import_dxf_polygons.zip by admin

This ULP imports, scales, mirrors and rotates polylines and splines from a DXF file. Use this ULP to import a vectorized logo, your favorite font etc. Arcs, circles, splines, curves are not supported yet. Since this is a very simple, rudimentary script it just generates straight lines to connect vertexes. Use a vector graphics editor to prepare,edit/refine the DXF file before importing it.\r\nUploaded by Tim Ruetz from caiaq

7209 Downloads | 383 Likes | 08.14.2008

bom-am-14.zip by admin

A database with additional information like order codes, manufacturers or prices can be created and managed. Other features include board statistics, etc.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja from Unison

5081 Downloads | 340 Likes | 08.11.2008

drillegend.ulp by admin

Place now correct symbols. Renamed drillegend4x.ulp to drillegend.ulp\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5188 Downloads | 339 Likes | 07.30.2008

find-empty-polygons.ulp by admin

Find empty (invisible) polygons in packages.\r\nUploaded by CadSoft Support from CadSoft

5081 Downloads | 357 Likes | 06.19.2008

cmd-change-brd-width.ulp by admin

After running the ulp display the same layers as before (starting the ulp)\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

4793 Downloads | 345 Likes | 06.04.2008

run-loop-all-devicesets-script.ulp by admin

Start a script in all devisesets in a LBR\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

4372 Downloads | 358 Likes | 05.28.2008