<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

drawdesignerinfo.ulp by admin

DrawDesignerInfo.ulp This ULP has a GUI to help you draw the Manufacturing Info (Name, Contact, Layer Name, etc) on all the required layers for Gerber exports. The GUI is easy to use and configurations can be loaded and saved, for reuse between projects. This ULP is production tested with over 50 boards and 4 board houses. All of the manufacturers are satisfied with the normalized presentation of the information at the same place on every layer.\r\nUploaded by Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux from Entreprises TenTech

6160 Downloads | 350 Likes | 08.20.2007

import-tango_for_lite.ulp by admin

This ULP can be used to convert a Tango format netlist for input to the Eagle Lite board layout tool. It is a modified version of Ralf Kilgass\" ULP that runs into problems when used with Lite due to the board size limitation.\r\nUploaded by David A. Fishman from Eastern Engineering Labs

6157 Downloads | 367 Likes | 03.01.2005

find_in-pins.ulp by admin

ERC-Ergänzung, prüft auf nicht eingefügte Input-Pinssearch for all uninvoked gates with INPUT-Pins\r\nUploaded by Stefan Waldeck from Jünger Audio

6156 Downloads | 358 Likes | 04.29.2005

silk2.ulp by admin

Similar to silk.ulp, but updated for EAGLE 4.11 and with enhanced functionality.\r\nUploaded by Robert K NIchols from Self-organized

6152 Downloads | 385 Likes | 08.27.2003

hvpack10.zip by admin

HVPack V1.0 - A collection of new and modified ULP´s Eine Sammlung neuer und erweiteter ULP´sContains: APRINT, BOM3, DRILLCFG, DRILLS, MAKEJUNC, PART2HTM, REPLACE, ROB, SNAP50, SNAPEW25 and UNROUTED.\r\nUploaded by Helmut Vaupotitsch from ITEC

6146 Downloads | 412 Likes | 04.28.2000

pathalign.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP dient dazu im Layout-Editor Bauelemente entlang eines Kurvenzuges anzuordnen. Sehr nuetzlich zB fuer aus LEDs bestehenden Quasi-Analog Anzeigen. \r\nUploaded by Johannes Frank

6140 Downloads | 363 Likes | 05.09.2004

drillplan3_0.ulp by admin

Generates Drill Legends - This version (3.0) adds separate counts for plated holes, and draws table smallest-to-largest to better match drill config files.\r\nUploaded by Brad Goodman from Storigen Systems, Inc.

6136 Downloads | 407 Likes | 01.30.2002

connector-pins.ulp by admin

Export a text file of all connector pin locations (uses reference designator prefix) to compare with a mating board to be sure you have the interfacing connectors in the correct location.\r\nUploaded by Kevin Callan

6135 Downloads | 398 Likes | 01.10.2006

cooltools.zip by admin

V2.0 of stkdoc.ulp. It creates now 5 Layers. It is now better suited for creating sandwich prints. V1.0 of zonedoc.ulp. It is for creating zone rulers and a partlist file with zone information. \r\nUploaded by Martin Bammer from TU Vienna

6126 Downloads | 425 Likes | 06.10.2001

genpkg_mld.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT molded body inductors, capacitors and diodes.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

6121 Downloads | 365 Likes | 02.14.2006