<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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bom-am-17.zip by admin

Creates and manages databases with additional information like order codes, manufacturers, prices, etc. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs from previous version 16.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

6415 Downloads | 380 Likes | 05.13.2009

merging_v21.zip by admin

Minor bug fixed. Finally, an easy way to copy/paste between two instances of eagle (both schematic and board), also for backward compatibility. \r\nUploaded by Maurice SAAB from Lebanon

6241 Downloads | 327 Likes | 05.07.2009

resistor_value_list.ulp by admin

This ULP when run displays a list of all (960) 1% value resistors. You may cut and paste a value from the list. I find it convienent to assign this ULP to CNTR,ALT,\\\"R\\\".\r\nUploaded by Doug Lewis from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab

5041 Downloads | 380 Likes | 04.30.2009

xfind.ulp by admin

Search for objects, create lists, export as csv, create scripts, show find results on drawing...\r\nUploaded by Walter Müller

4986 Downloads | 375 Likes | 04.06.2009

bom-am-16.ulp by admin

A database with additional information like order codes, manufacturers or prices can be created and managed. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs and added features to version 15.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

5076 Downloads | 384 Likes | 03.17.2009

fastgcode.zip by admin

The ULP *FastGcode* is a optimized and flexible G-code generator - toolpaths generated are 3 to 10 faster than similar programs. In the zip you will find two versions that are optimized for Eagle 4.16 and 5.4 ( the only differences are the control positions in the dialog. Happy milling to all ! Livio \r\nUploaded by Livio Cicala

9063 Downloads | 419 Likes | 03.12.2009

drill-ring.ulp by admin

Basierend auf drill-aid erzeugt dieses ulp Ringe um Pads, Vias und Holes um für manuesses Bohren größere Restrunge als in den Libs vorgesehen zu erzeugen. Legt die Ergänzung in Layer 117 ab. Kann mit drill-aid kombiniert werden.\r\nUploaded by Arnold Hübsch from AMW

5229 Downloads | 346 Likes | 01.26.2009

renamelibrary_1_0_0.ulp by admin

Benennt die Library Namen von Bauteilen im Schaltplan (Bauteil für Bauteil) um. Der umzubenennende Libraryname und die neue zu verwendende Library können aus Listen ausgesucht werden.\r\nUploaded by Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Schreier from Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Schreier

4721 Downloads | 363 Likes | 01.09.2009

import_dxf_polygons_03.zip by admin

This ULP imports, scales, mirrors and rotates polylines and splines from a DXF file. Improved Version of import_dxf_polygons.ulp - insert point configurable - default pen with=0 - supports smaller shapes than v0.1 \r\nUploaded by Tim Ruetz from caiaq

11858 Downloads | 454 Likes | 12.13.2008

bom5.ulp by admin

Added command line parameter for database location so you can run it like this: run bom.ulp \"c:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\partsdb.tsv\"\r\nUploaded by Joris Aerts

5222 Downloads | 394 Likes | 12.07.2008