<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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eagle2ad_sch.ulp by admin

This ULP will generate schematics in Protel / Altium format. Version 1.1\r\nUploaded by Christian Keller from -

15820 Downloads | 564 Likes | 12.08.2009

matrix.ulp by admin

ULP for quick creation of LED matrixes\r\nUploaded by Stefan Fischer

5445 Downloads | 396 Likes | 11.08.2009

export_cadence_telesis.ulp by admin

Exports a netlist from Eagle to Allegro. v1.0 2009/07/27 This ULP exports parts and nets from Eagle schematic into a Telesis netlist that can be imported from Cadence Allegro (File/Import/Logic/Other), and create associated device files for all parts (including swap info). Tested with OrCAD v16.2 \r\nUploaded by Eric HEURTEL from Sound4

7051 Downloads | 410 Likes | 10.29.2009

export_boardinfoofeagle.ulp by admin

This ULP export the information of the Board of EAGLE, Packagues PADs and Text Coordinates\r\nUploaded by Cesar David

4882 Downloads | 367 Likes | 10.27.2009

showgroup_v1.0.ulp by admin

Highlight selected components in schematics when working in board or visa versa. Select a group of components in board and then RUN ShowGroup.ulpThe selected componets are showed in the schematics surounded by a square.It also works the oposit way selecting components in the schematics to locate the on the board.\r\nUploaded by &#370; yvind Eggen from Jotron AS

4659 Downloads | 456 Likes | 08.28.2009

parts2_csv_tex.ulp by admin

This ULP generates either a .csv table (Microsoft-Excel or OpenOffice-Calc) or a .tex table (LaTeX, as \\\"Longtable\\\") for documentation purpose. You can select if your table should contain a consecutive number, name, value, package and/or library. This ULP can be started either from a schematic or from the board as long as the appropriate files exist.\r\nUploaded by Matthias Meeh from privat

5543 Downloads | 381 Likes | 08.26.2009

qfind_1.ulp by admin

Easy quick doubleclick finder, parts, nets, signals\r\nUploaded by Lukas Klimek

4898 Downloads | 380 Likes | 08.08.2009

tcenter.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP platziert im Board die Bauteiltexte NAME und VALUE mittig zumOrigin des Bauteils. Dabei werden die Textparameter (Size, Ratio,Orientierung) geändert. Nach dem Aufruf des \"tcenter.ulp\" einfach denScript tcenter.scr starten. Die Textparameter können im ULP eingestelltwerden. Version 1.02 funktioniert jetzt auch mit EAGLE 5.x.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft

4493 Downloads | 385 Likes | 06.22.2009

normalize-rcl-values4.ulp by admin

Normalize All Schematic R/C/L Part Values - v1.04 (5/18/09) This ULP generates a script to normalize all resistor and cap part values. Resistors are normalized in \"1K00\" or \"1.00K\" type format. Resistor values in the form of 100 or 1.10 are normalized to 100R or 1.10R format. Capacitors are normalized in \"1N1\" or \"1.1N\" type format. Likewise, any cap unit suffixs are normalized to \"uF\", \"pF\" or \"nF\" format. Inductors may also be normalized in \"nH\", \"uH\" or \"mH\" format. \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

4855 Downloads | 369 Likes | 06.20.2009

teardrops2.ulp by admin

Teardrop PADS and VIAS! Improved support for teardropping of PADS to provide better fill with various pad sizes. Not perfect, but should give fairly usable results now.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

6242 Downloads | 381 Likes | 06.18.2009