<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

hyperlynx-4_12.zip by admin

Exports the board to HyperLynx Signal-Integrity Transfer Format (.HYP) W.curve correction in C.element.package.wires(W) for Eagle 4.1 Corrected PADSTACK counter in used PADSTACK \r\nUploaded by A,. Zaffran from CadSoft

5662 Downloads | 346 Likes | 05.03.2005

edit-used-dev-pac-sym.zip by admin

Offers a selection to open (one of) the respective Library Editor window(s) of the currently edited DEVice/PACkage/SYMbol. It is also possible to edit a DEVice, PACkage, or SYMbol from Schematic or Board directly.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

7303 Downloads | 357 Likes | 05.03.2005

parts_on_sheets.ulp by admin

Run this ULP on a schematic. It makes a simple text file in the project directory that cross references all parts to the sheet they are on.\r\nUploaded by Kevin Callan from St. Louis

5879 Downloads | 350 Likes | 05.13.2005

docfield.zip by admin

This ULP can be used to automate filling out a frames docfield.Dieses ULP kann verwendet werden, um das Docfield eines Rahmens automatisiert auszufüllen.\r\nUploaded by René König

7228 Downloads | 366 Likes | 05.23.2005

eaglelatex.zip by admin

This ULP generates a figure-file (*.pic) from the schematic drawing for using within LaTeX. Used packages: epic and eepic.\r\nUploaded by Matthias Haselberger from Carinthian Tech Institute

6207 Downloads | 345 Likes | 07.19.2005

make-value-consistent.zip by admin

Make Schematic - > Board consistent. Use the VALUE from Schematic.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6824 Downloads | 335 Likes | 08.29.2005

zoom-unrouted.ulp by admin

simple script to zoom to the first unrouted wire in board editor. this might be helpful when searching for tiny left- overs in the end phase of routing work.\r\nUploaded by Daniel Mack from caiaq

12744 Downloads | 486 Likes | 09.08.2005

wirelist.ulp by admin

WIRELIST.ulp produces an optimum length, \\\"wire run\\\" SIGNAL List/Script File, for wire-wrapping or soldering proto and project boards. The resulting SCR can be executed to reroute a duplicate board layout into the equivalent \\\"wired version\\\". See instructions in ULP header. \r\nUploaded by Joseph Zeglinski from None

42374 Downloads | 484 Likes | 09.13.2005

testpnts.ulp by admin

Modified netlist ULP to include x,y locations of pads, useful for making automatic pcb testing fixtures.\r\nUploaded by Joel Parkinson from Interface Data Systems

5483 Downloads | 376 Likes | 09.29.2005

drillinfo.ulp by admin

Ever needed to limit your board\"s drills to a standard drill rack to avoid costs? Eagle does not allow you to change pad drill sizes outside the library - neither does this ULP. BUT at least it lists which part from which library causes the non-standard drill to be listed by drillcfg.ulp. It also counts drills in total and per size. Based on CadSoft\"s drillcfg.ulp. Revision 2 with bugfix.\r\nUploaded by Philipp Adelt from http://philipp.adelt.net

7474 Downloads | 399 Likes | 09.29.2005