<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

stkdoc.ulp by admin

V1.0 of an ULP which copies all parts with prefix X to new layers and docments their pins with their connected signal names.\r\nUploaded by Martin Bammer from TU-Wien

5136 Downloads | 359 Likes | 09.12.2000

drillegend.ulp by admin

Place now correct symbols. Renamed drillegend4x.ulp to drillegend.ulp\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5146 Downloads | 319 Likes | 07.30.2008

lbr_merge_v5.7.2_2010.ulp by admin

This is an update of the old merge_lbr. You can use this to sync/merge two libraries into one. Note: test this with a library copy when using for the first time. Does not work with path names with spaces...yet, bug eagle support and they can get the exit command fixed. Use in conjunction with the lbr_export_sch or lbr_export_brd ulp\"s and you can create a custom library that has everything you need.\r\nUploaded by Joshua White from Neuronetrix, Louisville

5162 Downloads | 335 Likes | 01.22.2010

bom5.ulp by admin

Added command line parameter for database location so you can run it like this: run bom.ulp \"c:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\partsdb.tsv\"\r\nUploaded by Joris Aerts

5163 Downloads | 338 Likes | 12.07.2008

show-netclass-by-layer.ulp by admin

This ULP runs in a schematic and defines the layers 190 Class0, 191 Class1, ... 197 Class7. It then draws (or traces) wires on the layer corresponding to the class of every net.\r\nUploaded by Neil Allison from Avon Technical Solutions, NZ

5164 Downloads | 301 Likes | 02.18.2004

drill-ring.ulp by admin

Basierend auf drill-aid erzeugt dieses ulp Ringe um Pads, Vias und Holes um für manuesses Bohren größere Restrunge als in den Libs vorgesehen zu erzeugen. Legt die Ergänzung in Layer 117 ab. Kann mit drill-aid kombiniert werden.\r\nUploaded by Arnold Hübsch from AMW

5170 Downloads | 298 Likes | 01.26.2009

viscomnew.ulp by admin

This ULP program generated CAD data for optical inspection system VISCOM\r\nUploaded by Milan Trubelik from AEV spo. s r.o.

5175 Downloads | 423 Likes | 05.06.1999

restrict-4.03.ulp by admin

A modified version of restrict.ulp. This restrict.ulp accurately restrict pads according to pad type. Purpose of this script is to restrict top component pads to be included in the double sided Autorouting. \r\nUploaded by Gary Cho

5181 Downloads | 372 Likes | 11.06.2001

copypaste.zip by admin

copy and paste schematic and board\r\nUploaded by Benjamin Drung from Home User

5186 Downloads | 354 Likes | 01.23.2011

psrotate.ulp by admin

Version 1.10, rotiert nun auch RECTANGLES, SMDs, TEXTE und PINS.Mehr auf http://home.t-online.de/home/Hj.Saemann-BL\r\nUploaded by Hansjörg Sämann

5193 Downloads | 377 Likes | 10.07.1998