<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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exp_project_lbr_1_2.ulp by admin

Export project libraries from schematic or board. Requires version 4 or greater. Substitutes exp_project_lbr_1_1.ulp.\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

8054 Downloads | 426 Likes | 05.16.2001

print.ulp by admin

Layer-umschalt-und Druck ULPpraktisch, um zwischen versch. Sets von Layern für die BRD-Bearbeitung und zum Drucken zu wechseln. Für SCHs läßt sich der Zoom-Faktor wählen\r\nUploaded by Tomsa Herrmann

6053 Downloads | 411 Likes | 04.06.2001

tcenter.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP platziert im Board die Bauteiltexte NAME und VALUE mittig zumOrigin des Bauteils. Dabei werden die Textparameter (Size, Ratio,Orientierung) geändert. Nach dem Aufruf des \"tcenter.ulp\" einfach denScript tcenter.scr starten. Die Textparameter können im ULP eingestelltwerden. Version 1.02 funktioniert jetzt auch mit EAGLE 5.x.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft

4477 Downloads | 364 Likes | 06.22.2009

unrouted2.ulp by admin

The unrouted.ulp has been altered to reduce the large number of airwires that can easly be created. The script generates \"unrouted.txt\" and \"correct.scr\" files. By running the last one, it can wire all airwires that satisfy cirtain criteria. Doesn\"t work properly in all circumstances but can be still effectively used.\r\nUploaded by Levente Torok from University of Miskolc

8144 Downloads | 420 Likes | 06.16.2000

bom-am-17.zip by admin

Creates and manages databases with additional information like order codes, manufacturers, prices, etc. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs from previous version 16.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

6397 Downloads | 361 Likes | 05.13.2009

bom-am-16.ulp by admin

A database with additional information like order codes, manufacturers or prices can be created and managed. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs and added features to version 15.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

5059 Downloads | 368 Likes | 03.17.2009

drill-ring.ulp by admin

Basierend auf drill-aid erzeugt dieses ulp Ringe um Pads, Vias und Holes um für manuesses Bohren größere Restrunge als in den Libs vorgesehen zu erzeugen. Legt die Ergänzung in Layer 117 ab. Kann mit drill-aid kombiniert werden.\r\nUploaded by Arnold Hübsch from AMW

5208 Downloads | 324 Likes | 01.26.2009

mountsmd.ulp by admin

This ULP generates a file that contains information of all SMD´s in the layout. Can be used with mounting machines.Updated version that distinguishes Top and Bottom layer.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

6609 Downloads | 482 Likes | 02.01.2000

inoplace.ulp by admin

This ULP generates datas for a Heeb Inotec InoPlacer for automatic mounting of parts \r\nUploaded by Bernd Krueger-Knauber from infratec plus GmbH

5620 Downloads | 433 Likes | 11.18.1999

drillegend.ulp by admin

Place now correct symbols. Renamed drillegend4x.ulp to drillegend.ulp\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5192 Downloads | 344 Likes | 07.30.2008