<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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ultimatefind.zip by admin

Two files included: FindFrst - an updated find.ulp FindNext - repeat the last find Notable improvements: 1. Wildcard searches, such as C* 2. Find next using FindNext.ULP (FindFrst.ulp creates a list of finds based on your criteria, and FindNext steps through the finds) 3. Auto-Invokes INFO if selected 4. Improved zoom function (selects between regular and 2x) 5. Creates a list of finds, used to check parts quickly - best used with wildcard finds. 6. Better control over found elements (nets, pin names, pin numbers, reference designators, etc). FIND.ULP is very bad selective searches. RECOMMEND USAGE: Assign FindFrst.ULP to F12 Assign FindNext.ULP to Control+F12 - Hit F12 to find R* - Hit control+F12 to cycle through all the found elements. *any suggestions are welcome*\r\nUploaded by Claudio Irrgang from Micro Interface Design

5844 Downloads | 336 Likes | 03.10.2004

hyperlynx_5_7.zip by kdv

- added export of polygons to hyperlynx.ulp

2157 Downloads | 473 Likes | 08.21.2012

card_edge_board_fingers_(generic_inch).ulp by admin

This ULP generates a script which, when run in a library editor window, creates generic card edge board fingers (inch dimensions), with two key symbols per \\\"device\\\" (keys added to schematic by REQUESTing them. The keys are NOT automatically added to the generated board, they must be added manually). The ULP (written for 4.09r2) is fairly well documented. Feel free to modify it for your specific finger spacings/sizes.\r\nUploaded by Thomas Barlet from USA

9340 Downloads | 380 Likes | 12.13.2003

gcode.zip by admin

Updated gcode creation files, allowing selections of more parameters at runtime. These are modified from others files to produce gcode, tested using turbocnc.\r\nUploaded by Al Schemmer WB0YRQ from Hawarden Iowa USA

10675 Downloads | 402 Likes | 10.07.2003

circle_2.ulp by admin

Generates manual placement guide circles, draws circles around selected components.\r\nUploaded by Jonas Qvarnström from Bergsäker AB

5993 Downloads | 347 Likes | 05.20.2003

merge_brd.zip by admin

Modified ULPs to aid merging two or more designs\r\nUploaded by David Moodie from OptoSci Ltd

7731 Downloads | 349 Likes | 11.01.2002

excellon_2.ulp by admin

Used to generate Excellon format 2 drill files.\r\nUploaded by Russell Kliese from Eminence Technology Pty Ltd

6678 Downloads | 366 Likes | 09.18.2002

rotate-dev-pac_in_lbr.zip by admin

Rotate a package in Library and generate package veriants.Dreht ein Package in der Bibliothek und erzeugt Packagevarianten im Device.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6290 Downloads | 417 Likes | 02.20.2002

change-pad-in-lbr.zip by admin

This ULP changes shape, diameter, and drill diameter of all pads in a library\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

7981 Downloads | 387 Likes | 07.16.2001

mill_me4-2.ulp by admin

mill_me4 with package holes included\r\nUploaded by Stefan Auchter from scotty engineering

5937 Downloads | 422 Likes | 06.06.2001