<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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pcb-pool.ulp by admin

This ULP sends your PCB parameters to the website of PCB-POOL and calculates the price for manufacturing and for component assembly of your board (no login or registration needed). Version 1.08. You will find an additional tool that automatically installs the ULP and a button in EAGLE under \"DOWNLOADS\" on the www.pcb-pool.com website.\r\nUploaded by Gernot Seeger from Beta LAYOUT GmbH

2951 Downloads | 573 Likes | 11.21.2011

measureslength.ulp by admin

This Ulp read all the wires placed in measures layer (47) and draw the length in the board of each wire. If modified some wire of measures layer run this ulp again.\r\nUploaded by Emerson Ospino Urbano from Perú(South America)

3145 Downloads | 424 Likes | 09.08.2011

gcode_02.zip by admin

This is the update of gcode-1, created by Silviu Epure. ULP generates G-Code for CNC milling machine. New features like as machine motion optimization, stop in case of diameter change, board contour tool size compensation and others are available.\r\nUploaded by Josef Plasil

10310 Downloads | 562 Likes | 09.04.2011

eagle2svg-1.2.ulp by admin

This ULP converts schematics and boards to SVG 1.1 vectorgraphic files. Changes from 1.1: Fixed drill holes, optimized stylesheet generation\r\nUploaded by Henry Institoris

3821 Downloads | 474 Likes | 07.10.2011

matrizdeleds.ulp by admin

Crea una Matriz de leds muy fácilmente...tan solo hay que indicarle el numero de filas y columnas...y la separación entre los leds. Board con GRID de 0.01 inch\r\nUploaded by Emerson Ospino Urbano

2653 Downloads | 444 Likes | 07.05.2011

add_attrib_lbr.ulp by admin

a ULP to add an attribute to all devices in an opened library\r\nUploaded by Maurice SAAB from SEC-lebanon

3160 Downloads | 393 Likes | 07.02.2011

bom-ex.zip by admin

Latest 1.30 version of BOM-EX. A full BOM system for Eagle using attributes.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

4525 Downloads | 438 Likes | 07.01.2011

editgroupedtext.ulp by admin

gruppierte Texte in einem Schema oder Board können mit diesem ULP als \\\"Block\\\" editiert werden.\r\nUploaded by Hans Schlumpf from Feron AG

2471 Downloads | 427 Likes | 06.20.2011

bom-am-18.zip by admin

Bill Of Materials And More. Manages databases with additional info like part numbers, manufacturers, etc. Many other features include board statistics, input & output controls, and much more. Replaces BOM-AM-17.\r\nUploaded by Roebrt A. Rioja

4631 Downloads | 431 Likes | 06.07.2011

generate_3d_data_v08.ulp by admin

Fixes to old ULP by Andy Neubacher. Let\"s you export your board as ECAD files in .emn and .emp format for import into 3D CAD programs.\r\nUploaded by Morten Hjerde from Rift Labs

6393 Downloads | 410 Likes | 05.31.2011