<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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hershey-text.zip by nallison

Render text on a pcb in a Hershey typeface. Group the text to render then this ULP lets you choose the Hershey font file, the wire (stroke) width, slope, character width factor and output layer. The text is rendered using wires either directly on the pcb or in a library package that is automatically added to the board. A range of Hershey font data files including a customised font for Eagle are provided.

2426 Downloads | 557 Likes | 03.21.2014

copy-wire-to-solder-mask.zip by admin

Copy Signal-Wire and/or Polygon to Stop-Layer\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5976 Downloads | 348 Likes | 01.20.2006

snap_bom.ulp by KeithRichman

SNaP_BOM.ulp generates BOM output in CSV format that is optimized for RMC’s SNaP Product. SNaP is low cost, materials resource planning software, that was developed to assist engineering groups and small businesses in managing BOMs, technical datasheets, tracking material and labor costs, streamlining purchasing activity, scheduling builds, and managing inventory. For a free SNaP trial, visit www.rmc-inst.com

2564 Downloads | 548 Likes | 03.04.2014

component-array.ulp by JorgeGarcia

This ULP assumes the components to be arrayed are in the board or schematic prior to the ULP being run. Can handle both rectangular arrays and circular arrays.

2382 Downloads | 587 Likes | 01.22.2014

routenet.ulp by admin

This ULP automatically routes all airwires of the given net creating straight connections between pads. Since Eagle does not (yet) snap to pads this can be useful when routing off-grid components.\r\nUploaded by Johannes Frank

6428 Downloads | 335 Likes | 11.02.2005

eps_export_411.ulp by admin

Tested for Eagle 4.11. This ULP exports board or schematic to EPS using dialog. Script is based on epscdraw_411.ulp. EPS file is editable by constants. \r\nUploaded by Filip Kinovic from ECOM s.r.o.

7284 Downloads | 374 Likes | 10.12.2005

mark-here.ulp by axeme

Place the mark on various board, schematic, and package objects via the context menu.

1961 Downloads | 508 Likes | 01.02.2014

testpnts+vias.ulp by admin

Modified netlist ULP to include x,y locations of pads, useful for making automatic pcb testing fixtures. This version additionally informs about the location of vias. For EAGLE 3.5 and higher.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

5526 Downloads | 348 Likes | 09.29.2005

wirelist.ulp by admin

WIRELIST.ulp produces an optimum length, \\\"wire run\\\" SIGNAL List/Script File, for wire-wrapping or soldering proto and project boards. The resulting SCR can be executed to reroute a duplicate board layout into the equivalent \\\"wired version\\\". See instructions in ULP header. \r\nUploaded by Joseph Zeglinski from None

42356 Downloads | 462 Likes | 09.13.2005

bomattroid-20131004.ulp by MichaelMilbert

bomattroid-20131004 ULP combines \"bom_with_attributes_v1.06\" (by CADSOFT) with centroid location logic and a few helper functions taken from \"bom-am-19\" (by Robert A. Rioja) to generate a Bill of Materials BoM plus centroid data (i.e., X-Y locations of components on board) for pick-and-place. Fixed CSV output of field data having double-quotes.

2517 Downloads | 468 Likes | 10.04.2013