<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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namesfrom1.ulp by admin

Renumbers parts on a board. Each part type will start with a numerical extension of \\\"1\\\". Useful after deleting parts, to close \\\"numerical holes\\\".\r\nUploaded by Frank Hübenthal from InnoSys GmbH

6024 Downloads | 441 Likes | 07.16.1998

bom2.ulp by admin

produces a part list with extension .BO9 suitable for PARTS AND VENDORS part-list manager program.\r\nUploaded by NIKOS CHALIKIAS from anco

10531 Downloads | 545 Likes | 01.11.1998

xref.zip by admin

Produces a Crossreference that tells you where Layout Parts arelocated in Shematic. Useful with larger Designs.Needs special Frame that is included.\r\nUploaded by Adrianus den Toom from Free developer

6294 Downloads | 577 Likes | 10.24.1997

change-symbol-pinname-char.ulp by admin

Replaces a character in pin names for all symbol pins in a library to a new character (e.g. RESET\\\\ to RESET#). \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

8660 Downloads | 357 Likes | 06.30.2007

bga_vias_brd.ulp by admin

Creates a script file which adds offset via\"s and traces to BGA\"s on a board.\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl

6027 Downloads | 356 Likes | 12.19.2006

inifile.zip by admin

This ULP is intented for other ULP developers and shall help them to preserve an ULP\"s settings between consecutive runs. This very easy to use approach should fit most of your needs.Dieses ULP ist anderen ULP Entwicklern zugedacht und soll ihnen helfen, die Einstellungen eines ULPs zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Läufen zu bewahren. Die Funktionaltät des ULPs ist sehr, sehr einfach zu benutzen und sollte den meisten Anforderungen genügen.\r\nUploaded by Rene Koenig

5431 Downloads | 336 Likes | 08.14.2006

component-array3.ulp by JorgeGarcia

V3.0 Improved accuracy in parts placement. As much as six decimal places.

2623 Downloads | 580 Likes | 03.10.2015

bom4.ulp by admin

Lightly modified version of bom.ulp to allow me to define database entries for devices with value:on but where the value doesn\"t matter. For example, connectors where the value is used as an identifier.\r\nUploaded by Robert Pearce from BDT Systems / Oxford Vacuum Science

6732 Downloads | 346 Likes | 04.16.2006

parts-coords-mils.ulp by admin

Modification of Walter M\"s program. Outputs PCB component locations in mils instead on mm.\r\nUploaded by Jeff Long from California, USA.

12151 Downloads | 379 Likes | 04.12.2006

toglays.ulp by hbridge99

Toggles Layers Adds individual layer control over toglay.ulp

2132 Downloads | 582 Likes | 04.28.2014