<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

export-partlist-csv.ulp by hanneseilers

ULP that exports all parts to a csv file. seperating each column with a semicolon. Script skips parts with empty values or from libraries beginning with supply or holes. Parts could be grouped if they have the same value and package-type.

2492 Downloads | 421 Likes | 07.30.2013

replace-supply-symbol.ulp by BStarr

This ULP lets you replace all instances of a supply symbol in a schematic with a supply symbol from a different supply library.

2045 Downloads | 420 Likes | 04.19.2013

make-supply-symdev.zip by admin

Tired of not having the supply symbols you need handy? Now you can create named supply symbols instantly with image preview. Simply run this ULP in a library, select the style you want, enter the supply symbol name and click OK.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

5235 Downloads | 371 Likes | 02.17.2011

autoroute_classes.ulp by admin

Specify the classes to autoroute. Useful for autorouting multilayer SMT boards where the supply classes are routed first, then the analog classes, then the rest.\r\nUploaded by Ed Anuff

8487 Downloads | 332 Likes | 06.03.2004