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User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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bom_thr.zip by admin

BOM Erstellung mit verschiedenen Ausgabeformaten mit zusätzlichen vordefinierten Attributen \\\"VALUE2\\\", \\\"VALUE3\\\", \\\"PARTNO\\\".\r\nUploaded by Thomas Riedger from THR-ENGINEERING

4646 Downloads | 321 Likes | 07.02.2010

bom-am-17.zip by admin

Creates and manages databases with additional information like order codes, manufacturers, prices, etc. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs from previous version 16.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

6358 Downloads | 333 Likes | 05.13.2009

bom-am-16.ulp by admin

A database with additional information like order codes, manufacturers or prices can be created and managed. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs and added features to version 15.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

5008 Downloads | 343 Likes | 03.17.2009

bom5.ulp by admin

Added command line parameter for database location so you can run it like this: run bom.ulp \"c:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\partsdb.tsv\"\r\nUploaded by Joris Aerts

5163 Downloads | 338 Likes | 12.07.2008

bom-am-15.zip by admin

A database with additional information like order codes, manufacturers or prices can be created and managed. Other features include board statistics, etc. Corrects bugs found in version 14.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja

5291 Downloads | 318 Likes | 09.11.2008

bom-am-14.zip by admin

A database with additional information like order codes, manufacturers or prices can be created and managed. Other features include board statistics, etc.\r\nUploaded by Robert A. Rioja from Unison

5034 Downloads | 316 Likes | 08.11.2008

super_bom.ulp by admin

Bill of Materials program V2.1. Uses external parts Database and creates external link list to match Database entries to schematic parts to generate combined list. Problems corrected with dollar signs in cost, total computation, blank fields in database. Uploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl

7380 Downloads | 361 Likes | 09.11.2007

centroid_screamingcircuits_smd.ulp by admin

This ULP creates the specific format surface mount XY location file, called a Centroid file, required by Screaming Circuits for prototype assembly. Simply run this ULP and include the generated file “ centroid.csv” in the zip file containing your BOM and Gerbers when you order prototype pcb assembly at www.ScreamingCircuits.com.\r\nUploaded by Duane Benson from Screaming Circuits, USA

6912 Downloads | 317 Likes | 05.18.2006

bom4.ulp by admin

Lightly modified version of bom.ulp to allow me to define database entries for devices with value:on but where the value doesn\"t matter. For example, connectors where the value is used as an identifier.\r\nUploaded by Robert Pearce from BDT Systems / Oxford Vacuum Science

6689 Downloads | 321 Likes | 04.16.2006

importbom_and_netlist.zip by admin

These are a couple of scripts I wrote to facilitate the importing of Orcad schematics into the layout editor. ImportNetlist.ulp imports a PADS2K netlist. ImportBOM (the most useful of both) imports a regular Orcad BOM file and lets you select the package for each group of items. The scripts are not well commented, maybe soon I\"ll work on that.\r\nUploaded by Jean Simonet from - NONE -

11552 Downloads | 365 Likes | 11.24.2003