
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

max_712_nimh_charger.rar by Hako0812

Full intelligent NiMH Charging Solution for 4 cells with fast ch. with 1A and timeout/V-slope termination enabled. According to the Maxim Max712 Application Note, see full doc for more information

3968 Downloads | 587 Likes | 10.11.2014

lipo_laderegler_mcp73831-2.zip by Hako0812

Application from microchip for a fully automatic LiPo single cell charger from the USB port. Imax 500mA Size: 26.6 x 15 mm

4292 Downloads | 544 Likes | 09.06.2014

ads1234_app.zip by harsh1

this circuit can be used to interface Thermocouple and micro controller to detect wide range of temperatures.

4371 Downloads | 552 Likes | 08.09.2014

ads12341.brd by harsh1

ads1234 Board

2815 Downloads | 541 Likes | 07.30.2014

uv_aculed_vhl_connector.rar by Arto

UV PowerLED Connector for ACULED VHL. Eagle v6.6.0

2998 Downloads | 565 Likes | 07.30.2014

controller-1612-i2c-ds1820.brd by cdelfs

Board Platine für HCAN Controller 1612 mit I2C Expander und DS1812-Anschluß

3004 Downloads | 553 Likes | 05.24.2014

controller-1612-i2c-ds1820.sch by cdelfs

Schaltplan für HCAN Controller 1612 mit I2C-Konnektor und DS1812

3993 Downloads | 553 Likes | 05.24.2014

module-attiny48.zip by jpelletier

A small breakout board for the Atmel ATtiny48 with a 6-pin programming connector. This board is breadboard friendly.

5039 Downloads | 548 Likes | 04.15.2014

mach_do_dong.sch by luong9

M?ch nguyên lý ?o dòng AC s? d?ng ACS172T-20A

2481 Downloads | 481 Likes | 04.10.2014

mach_do_dong_-_copy.brd by luong9

M?ch in ?o dòng AC

2831 Downloads | 554 Likes | 04.10.2014