
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

minibug.zip by admin

A very easy to build electronic key for morse code\r\nUploaded by Bratu Florian from GACW

12896 Downloads | 425 Likes | 11.29.2006

386.1.brd by admin

this is a revised .brd file of a lm386 audio amp.the parts list can be found here: http://members.shaw.ca/roma/ten.html\r\nUploaded by G. H. Lunday from home

21709 Downloads | 404 Likes | 12.04.2006

avr2313mod1.zip by admin

a Low-Cost AVR ATTINY2313 trainingsbord MODUL1\r\nUploaded by Dobbelaere William from Philips Brugge

18635 Downloads | 388 Likes | 02.25.2007

laser.zip by admin

A small power modulator for suply LASER diode for long live function.\r\nUploaded by Bratu Florian from GACW

21323 Downloads | 432 Likes | 03.05.2007

microsps.sch by admin

Schaltplan der MikroSPS von www.microsps.com. Er soll helfen hardwaremaessige Projekte zu erleichtern, bzw. Aenderungen schneller umzusetzen. Detailierte Beschreibung unter www.microsps.com \r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen

12513 Downloads | 432 Likes | 03.06.2007

weihnachststern128leds.zip by admin

Weihnachtsstern mit 128 LEDs, Tiny26. Gr

16163 Downloads | 402 Likes | 04.16.2007

pedalboard.brd by admin

This board layout is for a guitar effects hum free pedalboard power supply. It\'s designed for 8 +9v regulated and filtered outputs. Board dims are 2\"W X 4\"L. Based on the Spyder design found here: http://www.geofex.com/Article_Folders/Spyder/spyder.htm\r\nUploaded by Larry Chomycz from Woodridge IL

14666 Downloads | 420 Likes | 04.19.2007

icd2_usb_clone2.zip by admin

noch ein ICD2 fuer PICs (MICROCHIP), sehr kompakt (SMD) mit USB-Anschluss, inkl. SW (*.hex) fuer beide Prozessoren. Dank der Inspiration von WWW.PWM.PE.KR\r\nUploaded by G. Tkach from ----

17632 Downloads | 416 Likes | 12.11.2007

rs232-ttl_converter.zip by admin

RS232 nach TTL, zum Anschluss und Datenaustausch zwischen PC und Mikrocontroller. Sehr klein, 44x44mm Singlelayer\r\nUploaded by Bernhard Redemann

19561 Downloads | 430 Likes | 09.05.2008

obd2adapter.zip by admin

ODB2 adapter on PIC18F2455\r\nUploaded by Alex Sidorenko from www.obddiag.net

15974 Downloads | 389 Likes | 10.26.2008