
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

c-control-unit2.zip by admin

C-Control Unit-2 Application Schematic and Board. Front-Keyboard follows. C-Control Unit-2 Applikations Schaltplan und Platine. Front-Keyboard folgt.\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen

13872 Downloads | 413 Likes | 10.06.2006

incubator_576sh_wiring.sch by admin

incubator circuit diagram\r\nUploaded by Hanson

13794 Downloads | 399 Likes | 07.03.2005

cmoy_beginners_board.zip by admin

This is the CMoy Beginners Board based on the Chu Moy Pocket Headphone Amplifier. It is so simple to build, yet makes ALL music sound much, much better! Costs less than $10 USD to build! The first time I listened with this amp, I couldn\'t believe my ears!\r\nUploaded by Tony Cureington from Austin, Texas - USA

13746 Downloads | 400 Likes | 02.27.2009

filters.zip by admin

A filter and signal amplifier collection. Contains Sellen-key LPF, T-NOTCH, Notch with UAF42 and available as library module. \r\nUploaded by Abidin Yildirim from University of Alabama-Vision Science Research Center

13696 Downloads | 445 Likes | 05.31.2002

herz.zip by admin

Blinkendes Herz (16LED) zum verwenden als spezielles Namesschild f

13605 Downloads | 555 Likes | 01.05.2001

netztester.sch by admin

Kleiner Netztester zur

13473 Downloads | 597 Likes | 08.08.2000

sch_pcb.rar by admin

pic12f508 based IR control night lamp&#65292; using a bright led&#12290; sch and brd files included&#12290; \r\nUploaded by Hate Math from earth

13453 Downloads | 405 Likes | 07.26.2010

fiber_optics.zip by admin

fiber optic multiplex\r\nUploaded by kim hwan seop from yongjin electronics co.

13365 Downloads | 383 Likes | 04.01.2006

alteraprogrammiergeraetneu.sch by admin

Dieses Ger

13327 Downloads | 422 Likes | 08.03.2003

adapter_neu.zip by admin

DIL32-Adapter mit R8/C13. Alle Signale werden auf Pin\'s gefuehrt\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen - Institut f

13320 Downloads | 381 Likes | 05.04.2006