
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

laser.zip by admin

A small power modulator for suply LASER diode for long live function.\r\nUploaded by Bratu Florian from GACW

21322 Downloads | 431 Likes | 03.05.2007

tda7294.zip by admin


21492 Downloads | 434 Likes | 09.04.2006

jstick.zip by admin

Joystickadapter-digitales Gamepad an PC Weiter Infos zu der Schaltung findet Ihr auf meiner Website. http://www.dresden.nacamar.de/~wetzel \r\nUploaded by Tilo Wetzel

21495 Downloads | 612 Likes | 08.26.1999

timer-555-based.sch by admin

A sinple time based switch(0-5min.)\r\nUploaded by Alex from Home

21571 Downloads | 447 Likes | 11.27.2001

audiogen.zip by admin

Sinus-Funktions-Generator f

21576 Downloads | 406 Likes | 04.20.2006

androino_2009.zip by admin

Androino-2009: Another Arduino Clone. - Single Layer - No smds (except FT232RL) - Easy to produce\r\nUploaded by Bernhard Redemann

21598 Downloads | 433 Likes | 07.20.2009

386.1.brd by admin

this is a revised .brd file of a lm386 audio amp.the parts list can be found here: http://members.shaw.ca/roma/ten.html\r\nUploaded by G. H. Lunday from home

21708 Downloads | 403 Likes | 12.04.2006

pic18f452_.brd by admin

PIC18F452 and PIC16F877 Serial Programmer. (Used with suitable BootLoader)\r\nUploaded by Thushianthan from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

21853 Downloads | 445 Likes | 11.03.2004

led_flasher_circuit.zip by admin

LED Flasher\r\nUploaded by Bogdan Rusu from Romania

22030 Downloads | 441 Likes | 07.08.2003

9v_to_12v.sch by admin

9V nach 12V Spannungswandler \r\nUploaded by Tilo Wetzel

22871 Downloads | 592 Likes | 08.08.2000