
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

ampli-lm1875-18w.sch by admin

Power ampli 18w.Power 6-18 VDC\r\nUploaded by Agnort from Ho Chi Minh

18904 Downloads | 437 Likes | 09.27.2004

rs232-ttl_converter.zip by admin

RS232 nach TTL, zum Anschluss und Datenaustausch zwischen PC und Mikrocontroller. Sehr klein, 44x44mm Singlelayer\r\nUploaded by Bernhard Redemann

19560 Downloads | 429 Likes | 09.05.2008

digital_volt&amp_meter_with_icl7107.zip by admin

This project is a volt and amper meter made special for panel use, this device is working with ICL7107 where is a A/D with LED seven segment driver and plus it have and one simply power supply \r\nUploaded by Sam Tzam

19561 Downloads | 485 Likes | 02.08.2009

icd2-2.zip by admin

Microchip MPLAB Compatible In-Circuit-Debugger 2\r\nUploaded by Thushianthan from 247, Kathiresu Road, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka

19780 Downloads | 392 Likes | 09.01.2005

bdm.zip by admin

Blumendurstmelder. Zeigt mit LED an, wenn Blumenerde trocken wird\r\nUploaded by Rainer Prell from privat

19790 Downloads | 409 Likes | 03.22.2005

diycres.brd by admin

150W Mosfet audio amplifier, base from Elektor Crescendo (1982), used 2SK1058/2SJ162 Hitachi Lateral Mosfets.\r\nUploaded by samidi telo from mahakam weave

20300 Downloads | 416 Likes | 04.25.2006

eagle_vu_metar.zip by admin

Audio VU meter 12+1 LED +memory with AT90S1200\r\nUploaded by zoran from Serbia

20604 Downloads | 449 Likes | 04.30.2004

lcmetr.sch by admin

Popular LC meter updated with freq meter with ATM89c2051 (origin construction of US Marshall Emm). High precision and stability!!!\r\nUploaded by Frankie Kovarik from High school IT and electronics

20881 Downloads | 388 Likes | 07.11.2005

speaker_protection.rar by admin

Audio Power Amp. pop & click free speaker protection circuit (eliminates noise during turn-on and turn-off).\r\nUploaded by Arpad Attila Bakos from HUNGARY

20918 Downloads | 444 Likes | 10.18.2006

74154_led_flasher2.sch by admin

sequencial LED flasher\r\nUploaded by Lawrence from Canada

21027 Downloads | 585 Likes | 12.11.2000