
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

PCB West Board Design by Matt Berggren

Schematic and PCB files from PCB West 2018 Tradeshow

1358 Downloads | 458 Likes | 09.25.2018

SparkFun nRF52832 Breakout by SparkFun Electronics

Autodesk EAGLE Design Block Description: The nRF52832 is Nordic Semiconductor’s latest multiprotocol radio System on Chip (SoC). It’s half microcontroller, with a list of features including 32 configurable I/O pins, SPI, I2C, UART, PWM, ADC’s, 512kB flash, and 64kB RAM. And it’s half 2.4GHz multiprotocol radio, supporting Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), ANT, and Nordic’s proprietary 2.4GHz ultra low-power wireless communication – it even features on-chip NFC tag support. SparkFun’s nRF52832 Breakout provides easy access to all of the chip’s features. It breaks out all of the nRF52’s I/O pins, provides a 32.768kHz RTC crystal, a user-programmable button and LED, and a trace antenna to send and receive those 2.4GHz transmissions. Plus, to make the chip as easy-to-flash as possible, the breakout comes pre-programmed with a serial bootloader. Nordic’s nRF52832 is a SoC that combines an ARM Cortex-M4F microprocessor with a 2.4GHz multiprotocol radio. In addition to providing access to all of the chip’s I/O pins, the breakout board includes a handful of external components. The nRF52832 can operate on a power supply between 1.7 and 3.6V. The board also includes a 3.3V regulator with a maximum input of 6V, if you want to power the board with batteries or a regulated wall supply. Features: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), ANT and proprietary 2.4GHz radio support 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4F Processor Easy access to all 32 GPIO SPI, I2C, UART, PWM and ADC I/O support User-programmable LED and button 32.768kHz RTC Crystal Pre-programmed serial bootloader

1366 Downloads | 527 Likes | 08.08.2017

SparkFun Venus GPS with SMA Connector by SparkFun Electronics

Autodesk EAGLE Design Block Description: This is the latest version of our Venus GPS board; the smallest, most powerful, and most versatile GPS receiver we carry. It’s based on the Venus638FLPx, the successor to the Venus634LPx. The Venus638FLPx outputs standard NMEA-0183 or SkyTraq Binary sentences at a default rate of 9600bps (adjustable to 115200bps), with update rates up to 20Hz! The Venus638FLPx also allows for limited on-chip logging (check out the firmware below), as well as external logging using an SPI flash memory chip (not included). This board includes an SMA connector to attach an external antenna, headers for 3.3V serial data, NAV (lock) indication, Pulse-Per-Second output, and external Flash support. We’ve also provided solder jumpers to easily configure the power consumption, boot memory, and backup supply. This board requires a regulated 3.3V supply to operate; at full power, the board uses up to 90mA, at reduced power it requires up to 60mA. We’ve made it easy to connect an external battery or super capacitor to the board, to support very fast restarts after power is removed. Features: Up to 20Hz update rate -148dBm cold start sensitivity -165dBm tracking sensitivity 29 second cold start TTFF 3.5 second TTFF with AGPS 1 second hot start 2.5m accuracy Multipath detection and suppression Jamming detection and mitigation SBAS (WAAS / EGNOS) support 67mW full power navigation Works directly with active or passive antenna Internal flash for optional 75K point data logging Supports external SPI flash memory data logging Complete receiver in 10mm x 10mm x 1.3mm size Contains LNA, SAW Filter, TCXO, RTC Xtal, LDO Single 2.7-3.3V supply Dimensions: 1.15 x 0.7 inches

1393 Downloads | 527 Likes | 08.08.2017

SparkFun OpenLog by SparkFun Electronics

Autodesk EAGLE Design Block Description: The SparkFun OpenLog is an open source data logger that works over a simple serial connection and supports microSD cards up to 64GB. The OpenLog can store or “log” huge amounts of serial data and act as a black box of sorts to store all the serial data that your project generates, for scientific or debugging purposes. The SparkFun OpenLog runs off of an onboard ATmega328, running at 16MHz thanks to the onboard crystal.The OpenLog draws 6mA when recording a 512 byte buffer, but as that process takes a fraction of a second, the average current draw is closer to 5mA. Keep in mind though that if you are recording a constant data stream at 115200bps, you will approach that 6mA limit. All data logged by the OpenLog is stored on the microSD card that involves the features of 64MB to 64GB capacity and FAT16 or FAT32 file type. Features: VCC Input: 3.3V-12V (Recommended 3.3V-5V) Log to low-cost microSD FAT16/32 cards up to 64GB Simple command interface Configurable baud rates (up to 115200bps) Preprogrammed ATmega328 and bootloader Four SPI pogo pins Two LEDs indicate writing status 2mA idle, 6mA at maximum recording rate

1398 Downloads | 508 Likes | 08.08.2017


An Autodesk EAGLE Modular Design Block. This board contains both a li-poly battery charger and a switchmode boost converter for powering your electronics. Reference: https://www.adafruit.com/product/2465 Modular Design Blocks are only supported in Autodesk EAGLE V.8.0 or higher. Quickly reuse subcircuits that remain synchronized between schematic and PCB. For more information on how to use Design Blocks, please refer to https://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/blog/whats-new-in-autodesk-eagle-modular-design-blocks/

1407 Downloads | 487 Likes | 05.01.2017


An Autodesk EAGLE Modular Design Block. This is a 2.1W Class D Audio Amplifier breakout. Reference: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1552 Modular Design Blocks are only supported in Autodesk EAGLE V.8.0 or higher. Quickly reuse subcircuits that remain synchronized between schematic and PCB. For more information on how to use Design Blocks, please refer to https://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/blog/whats-new-in-autodesk-eagle-modular-design-blocks/

1414 Downloads | 450 Likes | 05.01.2017

nFR52832 QFAA QFN48 with internal LDO setup by Nordic Semiconductor

Autodesk EAGLE Design Block The nRF52832 SoC is a powerful, highly flexible ultra-low power multiprotocol SoC ideally suited for Bluetooth® low energy (previously called Bluetooth Smart), ANT and 2.4GHz ultra low-power wireless applications. The nRF52832 SoC is built around a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4F CPU with 512kB + 64kB RAM. The embedded 2.4GHz transceiver supports Bluetooth low energy, ANT and proprietary 2.4 GHz protocol stack. It is on air compatible with the nRF51 Series, nRF24L and nRF24AP Series products from Nordic Semiconductor.

1420 Downloads | 557 Likes | 08.08.2017

nRF51x22 QFAA with internal LDO setup by Nordic Semiconductor

Autodesk EAGLE Design Block The nRF51422 is a powerful, multi-protocol SoC ideally suited for ANT™ and Bluetooth® Smart ultra low-power wireless applications. The nRF51422 is built around a 32-bit ARM® Cortex® M0 CPU with 256kB/128kB flash + 32kB/16kB RAM. The embedded 2.4 GHz transceiver supports both Bluetooth Smart as well as the Nordic Gazell protocol stack which is on air compatible with the nRF24L series products from Nordic Semiconductor.

1424 Downloads | 572 Likes | 08.08.2017


An Autodesk EAGLE Modular Design Block. This is a small microcontroller development board. Reference: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1500 Modular Design Blocks are only supported in Autodesk EAGLE V.8.0 or higher. Quickly reuse subcircuits that remain synchronized between schematic and PCB. For more information on how to use Design Blocks, please refer to https://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/blog/whats-new-in-autodesk-eagle-modular-design-blocks/

1429 Downloads | 489 Likes | 05.01.2017

nRF51x22 QFAA with DC/DC converter setup by Nordic Semiconductor

Autodesk EAGLE Design Block The nRF51422 is a powerful, multi-protocol SoC ideally suited for ANT™ and Bluetooth® Smart ultra low-power wireless applications. The nRF51422 is built around a 32-bit ARM® Cortex® M0 CPU with 256kB/128kB flash + 32kB/16kB RAM. The embedded 2.4 GHz transceiver supports both Bluetooth Smart as well as the Nordic Gazell protocol stack which is on air compatible with the nRF24L series products from Nordic Semiconductor.

1433 Downloads | 548 Likes | 08.08.2017