
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

hv_programmer_atmel.zip by BRedemann

This is an (older) project of a HV-Programmer for Atmel µCs. With this programmer you can reactivate an atmel controller with wrong fuse-bits settings (e.g. reset is fused as a normal port). The original circuit and Software was developed by elm-chan. Unfortunately, you need a parallel port at your PC to work with this programmer. All documents are included, also a description and the used software.

4267 Downloads | 590 Likes | 07.04.2015

spannungsregler.sch by Markus11

Spannungsregler zum sicheren betrieb von mikrokontroller.

4222 Downloads | 455 Likes | 02.17.2013

5v-3v3_reg_board.rar by Tehnik

5V – 3.3V REG BOARD http://tehnikservice.net/projects/5v-3-3v-reg-board/

4140 Downloads | 557 Likes | 06.02.2015

inverter-logo_8xuln2803.zip by Guenter

Signalinverter 8 Kanäle mit ULN2803, max 500mA/Kanal. Benutzt bei Siemens LOGO (Transistorausgang liefert positives Signal) zum Ansteuern von Dual-LED (rot/grün) in Tastern Nikkai UB2-15H2, da diese gemeinsamen Anodenanschluss hatten.

4114 Downloads | 480 Likes | 12.18.2013

lcdmodule-16x2_1v0.brd by DF4IAH

I2C 16x2 LCD Expander Mittels I2C ein 16x2 LCD-Modul ansteuern, welches auf ANAG VISION AV1624 oder solchen Derivaten basiert (Conrad: 183342, 184594, 181651, 181664). Bauteile: U121: MCP23017 Q131: BC337 R141: Poti 10k lin. R111,R112: 1.5k R120,R121,R122: 100k C121: 470nF CON101: 6-POL 2x3 Stiftleiste mit/ohne Wanne, 2,54mm-Raster CON151: 16-POL 1x16 Buchsenleiste, 2,54mm-Raster JP120,JP121,JP122: Jumperstifte, 2,54mm-Raster R131: muss noch genau ermittelt werden. Keine Gewähr, DF4IAH.

3993 Downloads | 553 Likes | 03.18.2015

controller-1612-i2c-ds1820.sch by cdelfs

Schaltplan für HCAN Controller 1612 mit I2C-Konnektor und DS1812

3989 Downloads | 549 Likes | 05.24.2014

max_712_nimh_charger.rar by Hako0812

Full intelligent NiMH Charging Solution for 4 cells with fast ch. with 1A and timeout/V-slope termination enabled. According to the Maxim Max712 Application Note, see full doc for more information

3963 Downloads | 579 Likes | 10.11.2014

maxim_2606_hands_free_car_kit.zip by Spilkos

An other smal circuit using max2606 maxim\'s ic.More detail you can find here: http://www.maximintegrated.com/app-notes/index.mvp/id/5123 I design the schematic as the figure 2 \"The FM transmitter circuit with a direct audio input eliminates background noise from the microphone\". The only thing you need that check the schematic or pcb layout for mistakes. Thanks maxim for ic samples.

3843 Downloads | 461 Likes | 01.15.2014

relais_bistabil_4kont..brd by GolfLima

Bord zur Platine bistabile 2 Spulenrelais.

3837 Downloads | 1011 Likes | 03.30.2016

lcd4x1_v2.zip by jpelletier

A small breadboard friendly module with an Atmel ATmega169 with a 4-digit LCD display and 5 push button switches. Included is an assembler program providing the initialization and some useful routines. It uses the GNU assembler for AVR.

3815 Downloads | 428 Likes | 03.30.2014