
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

filters.zip by admin

A filter and signal amplifier collection. Contains Sellen-key LPF, T-NOTCH, Notch with UAF42 and available as library module. \r\nUploaded by Abidin Yildirim from University of Alabama-Vision Science Research Center

13696 Downloads | 445 Likes | 05.31.2002

cmoy_beginners_board.zip by admin

This is the CMoy Beginners Board based on the Chu Moy Pocket Headphone Amplifier. It is so simple to build, yet makes ALL music sound much, much better! Costs less than $10 USD to build! The first time I listened with this amp, I couldn\'t believe my ears!\r\nUploaded by Tony Cureington from Austin, Texas - USA

13746 Downloads | 399 Likes | 02.27.2009

incubator_576sh_wiring.sch by admin

incubator circuit diagram\r\nUploaded by Hanson

13794 Downloads | 399 Likes | 07.03.2005

c-control-unit2.zip by admin

C-Control Unit-2 Application Schematic and Board. Front-Keyboard follows. C-Control Unit-2 Applikations Schaltplan und Platine. Front-Keyboard folgt.\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen

13872 Downloads | 413 Likes | 10.06.2006

ds1302_platine.sch by admin

Dies ist eine RCT(Real-Time-Clock) mit dem DS1302 und St

13926 Downloads | 417 Likes | 03.05.2004

ir_bar.zip by admin

this is an IR alarm. I sugest that you dont use it to protect something inportant becose it is not a profesional desing\r\nUploaded by Ivan

14092 Downloads | 400 Likes | 04.01.2003

dmx3-1.zip by admin

OksiD DMX 3/1: A parrallel port DMX 512 (a professional lighting control protocol) interface. 3 output universes. One input universe. Fully buffered. Uses 3 PIC 18F452. More info at : http://www.oksid.ch/spp2dmx/ \r\nUploaded by Jean-Marc Lienher from O\'ksi\'D Software

14121 Downloads | 423 Likes | 03.01.2004

fonte_dupla_78xx.sch by admin

Floating Dual Suplly, for use in laboratory.\r\nUploaded by Ismar Russano from CBPF-CAT - RJ (Brazil)

14538 Downloads | 449 Likes | 08.06.2002

pedalboard.brd by admin

This board layout is for a guitar effects hum free pedalboard power supply. It\'s designed for 8 +9v regulated and filtered outputs. Board dims are 2\"W X 4\"L. Based on the Spyder design found here: http://www.geofex.com/Article_Folders/Spyder/spyder.htm\r\nUploaded by Larry Chomycz from Woodridge IL

14664 Downloads | 419 Likes | 04.19.2007

dezimal_zu_7_segment_decoder.zip by admin

Diese Platine codiert Dezimalsignale zu 7 Segment signalen um\r\nUploaded by Martin Wende from nirgends

14674 Downloads | 402 Likes | 01.25.2005