
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

eagle_vu_metar.zip by admin

Audio VU meter 12+1 LED +memory with AT90S1200\r\nUploaded by zoran from Serbia

20604 Downloads | 449 Likes | 04.30.2004

atmelprog.zip by admin

ISP programmer for Atmel AVR It\'s the circuit that can be found at http://www.lancos.com/prog.html\r\nUploaded by Kristof Thewissen from KHLim

27260 Downloads | 466 Likes | 04.27.2004

ds1302_platine.sch by admin

Dies ist eine RCT(Real-Time-Clock) mit dem DS1302 und St

13927 Downloads | 418 Likes | 03.05.2004

dmx3-1.zip by admin

OksiD DMX 3/1: A parrallel port DMX 512 (a professional lighting control protocol) interface. 3 output universes. One input universe. Fully buffered. Uses 3 PIC 18F452. More info at : http://www.oksid.ch/spp2dmx/ \r\nUploaded by Jean-Marc Lienher from O\'ksi\'D Software

14121 Downloads | 424 Likes | 03.01.2004

magnetic_field_measurer.zip by admin

This is a very simple magnetic field measurer, with a few components. Enjoy it!!!\r\nUploaded by Vince from Italy

24427 Downloads | 427 Likes | 02.12.2004

c.pollheimer.brd by admin


11710 Downloads | 412 Likes | 01.23.2004

bandidoii.zip by admin

BANDIDO II uMax Metal detector\r\nUploaded by Eugenij from hobbyst

16381 Downloads | 457 Likes | 01.06.2004

32_bit_led_and_light_flasher_.zip by admin

Ein 32-Bit

26041 Downloads | 462 Likes | 11.26.2003

logic-code-switch(lcs).sch by admin

Ein Codescloss in mini version\r\nUploaded by Philipp Milich

12471 Downloads | 422 Likes | 10.03.2003

lattice_semiconductor_ispevaluation.zip by admin

Lattice Semicondutor Evaluation Boards for isp1016, 2032, ispGDS14 and Daisy Chain Programming Cable Board \r\nUploaded by Arto Kyyhkynen from Helsinki Finland

11366 Downloads | 440 Likes | 10.01.2003