
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

amp-tda2003-single.zip by admin

A small 10W Single Channel audio amplifier using TDA2003 IC. Including volume control. 12V PSU is Ideal. Heatsink required for IC. By defualt, the design only displays the bare circuit in \"board view\", so just enable the necessary layers for component values and pinouts.\r\nUploaded by Bradlin Basson from South Africa

11871 Downloads | 441 Likes | 07.09.2010

cmoy_headphone_amplifier_te1.com.br.zip by admin

CMoy Headphone Amplifier Project... CMoy is very simple portable headphone amplifier. .SCH and . BRD\r\nUploaded by Toni Rodrigues from xtronic.org

11895 Downloads | 494 Likes | 12.22.2011

cwfilter.zip by admin

A very simple cw filter for using with broadcast receiver for morse code reception in better condittions.\r\nUploaded by Bratu Florian from GACW

12050 Downloads | 402 Likes | 03.21.2005

precise_comparator_share.sch by admin

\r\nUploaded by

12067 Downloads | 448 Likes | 08.11.2001

dreiklang-gong.brd by admin

Dies ist ein Dreiklang-T

12174 Downloads | 372 Likes | 04.17.2005

filtersr2.zip by admin

Design error correction of the file Filters.zip. Explanation is in the file notes.doc.\r\nUploaded by Abidin Yildirim from University of Alabama-Vision Sciense Research Center

12390 Downloads | 455 Likes | 06.06.2002

logic-code-switch(lcs).sch by admin

Ein Codescloss in mini version\r\nUploaded by Philipp Milich

12471 Downloads | 421 Likes | 10.03.2003

microsps.sch by admin

Schaltplan der MikroSPS von www.microsps.com. Er soll helfen hardwaremaessige Projekte zu erleichtern, bzw. Aenderungen schneller umzusetzen. Detailierte Beschreibung unter www.microsps.com \r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen

12512 Downloads | 431 Likes | 03.06.2007

minibug.zip by admin

A very easy to build electronic key for morse code\r\nUploaded by Bratu Florian from GACW

12895 Downloads | 424 Likes | 11.29.2006

electro.zip by admin

here you have : high pass filter light switch\r\nUploaded by Bogdan Rusu from Romania (my country)

12940 Downloads | 444 Likes | 10.10.2001