
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

icd2.zip by admin

Debugger for MICROCHIP microcontroler\r\nUploaded by Eric BARGE

18448 Downloads | 370 Likes | 08.13.2005

lcmetr.sch by admin

Popular LC meter updated with freq meter with ATM89c2051 (origin construction of US Marshall Emm). High precision and stability!!!\r\nUploaded by Frankie Kovarik from High school IT and electronics

20882 Downloads | 389 Likes | 07.11.2005

incubator_576sh_wiring.sch by admin

incubator circuit diagram\r\nUploaded by Hanson

13795 Downloads | 400 Likes | 07.03.2005

485-leser.rar by admin

Steuerplatine f

16958 Downloads | 405 Likes | 06.27.2005

ft232_modul.zip by admin

USBSeriell(TTL) converter modul based on FT232BM from FTDI (www.ftdichip.com). Designed for easy self-etching this project only need a single layer board. Boardfile, schematic, partlist and short description is included in zip-file. Very usefull to easily hook up small microcontrollers with UARTs to usb. No need for driver programming when using virtual-COM-port drivers freely available from FTDI.\r\nUploaded by Lutz Lisseck from student

26908 Downloads | 448 Likes | 05.21.2005

dreiklang-gong.brd by admin

Dies ist ein Dreiklang-T

12175 Downloads | 373 Likes | 04.17.2005

digiequ110.zip by admin

20 bit 96 kHz Stereo Digital Equalizer with Microphone Preamp\r\nUploaded by Pet

15853 Downloads | 417 Likes | 04.01.2005

drehf.zip by admin

Drehfeldanzeiger Zeigt die Richtung des Drehfeldes und das Vorhandensein der 3 Phasen an.\r\nUploaded by Rainer Prell from privat

18553 Downloads | 412 Likes | 03.22.2005

bdm.zip by admin

Blumendurstmelder. Zeigt mit LED an, wenn Blumenerde trocken wird\r\nUploaded by Rainer Prell from privat

19792 Downloads | 410 Likes | 03.22.2005

bug.zip by admin


15814 Downloads | 405 Likes | 03.22.2005