
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

microsps.sch by admin

Schaltplan der MikroSPS von www.microsps.com. Er soll helfen hardwaremaessige Projekte zu erleichtern, bzw. Aenderungen schneller umzusetzen. Detailierte Beschreibung unter www.microsps.com \r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen

12512 Downloads | 431 Likes | 03.06.2007

laser.zip by admin

A small power modulator for suply LASER diode for long live function.\r\nUploaded by Bratu Florian from GACW

21322 Downloads | 431 Likes | 03.05.2007

avr2313mod1.zip by admin

a Low-Cost AVR ATTINY2313 trainingsbord MODUL1\r\nUploaded by Dobbelaere William from Philips Brugge

18635 Downloads | 388 Likes | 02.25.2007

386.1.brd by admin

this is a revised .brd file of a lm386 audio amp.the parts list can be found here: http://members.shaw.ca/roma/ten.html\r\nUploaded by G. H. Lunday from home

21708 Downloads | 404 Likes | 12.04.2006

minibug.zip by admin

A very easy to build electronic key for morse code\r\nUploaded by Bratu Florian from GACW

12895 Downloads | 424 Likes | 11.29.2006

speaker_protection.rar by admin

Audio Power Amp. pop & click free speaker protection circuit (eliminates noise during turn-on and turn-off).\r\nUploaded by Arpad Attila Bakos from HUNGARY

20918 Downloads | 444 Likes | 10.18.2006

c-control-unit2.zip by admin

C-Control Unit-2 Application Schematic and Board. Front-Keyboard follows. C-Control Unit-2 Applikations Schaltplan und Platine. Front-Keyboard folgt.\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen

13872 Downloads | 413 Likes | 10.06.2006

tda7294.zip by admin


21492 Downloads | 434 Likes | 09.04.2006

logic_probe.zip by admin

Two logical probes with pulse detection, which were published at http://www.uoguelph.ca/~antoon/ \r\nUploaded by Daniel Jos

15645 Downloads | 399 Likes | 09.01.2006

alarm.zip by admin

Eine Alarmanlage mit AVR, HexCode und LCD-Display, einseitiges Layout\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH - Aachen

27277 Downloads | 433 Likes | 05.16.2006