
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

amp-tda2822-dual.zip by admin

A small 1W Dual Channel audio amplifier using TDA2822 IC. Including volume controls. 12V PSU is Ideal. No heatsink required for IC. By default, the design only displays the bare circuit in \"board view\", so just enable the necessary layers for component values and pinouts.\r\nUploaded by Bradlin Basson from South Africa

59195 Downloads | 484 Likes | 07.13.2010

amp-tda2822-bridged.zip by admin

A small 2W Bridged Channel audio amplifier using TDA2822 IC. Including volume control. 12V PSU is Ideal. No heatsink required for IC. By default, the design only displays the bare circuit in \"board view\", so just enable the necessary layers for component values and pinouts.\r\nUploaded by Bradlin Basson from South Africa

10947 Downloads | 413 Likes | 07.13.2010

amp-tda2005-bridged.zip by admin

A small 20W Bridged Channel audio amplifier using TDA2005 IC. Including volume control. 12V PSU is Ideal. Heatsink required for IC. By defualt, the design only displays the bare circuit in \"board view\", so just enable the necessary layers for component values and pinouts.\r\nUploaded by Bradlin Basson from South Africa

16241 Downloads | 434 Likes | 07.12.2010

amp-tda2003-single.zip by admin

A small 10W Single Channel audio amplifier using TDA2003 IC. Including volume control. 12V PSU is Ideal. Heatsink required for IC. By defualt, the design only displays the bare circuit in \"board view\", so just enable the necessary layers for component values and pinouts.\r\nUploaded by Bradlin Basson from South Africa

11872 Downloads | 442 Likes | 07.09.2010

mini_bench_psu.zip by admin

A variable mini test bench power supply unit (PSU) for voltages : 0-14V and Current : 0-800mA. As well as offering constant V or I option. Circuit dimensions : 64mm x 95mm\r\nUploaded by Bradlin Basson from South Africa

14890 Downloads | 428 Likes | 07.08.2010

rib.zip by admin

this is a well known radio interface programmer circuit, for Motorola radios. for details, please read the pdf file. thank you.\r\nUploaded by Bogdan Alexandru Rusu from Romania

10284 Downloads | 389 Likes | 04.30.2010

avr_betterprog.zip by admin

Atmel AVR ISP programmer. Parallel 25-pin port. The schematic can be found here: http://www.lancos.com/prog.html#avrisp\r\nUploaded by Pascalau Gavriil

15689 Downloads | 396 Likes | 03.25.2010

mhtend3.zip by admin

2x125W-Mittel-Hoch-Ton-Doppel-Endstufe jeweils mit eigenem Regelnetzteil (mit r

10411 Downloads | 404 Likes | 01.31.2010

ttend3.zip by admin

2x125W-Tiefton-Doppel-Endstufe jeweils mit eigenem Regelnetzteil (mit r

10390 Downloads | 430 Likes | 01.18.2010

dreiklang_mit_sae800.zip by admin

Dies ist ein Dreiklang T

8471 Downloads | 424 Likes | 01.09.2010