

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

microchip16c7xx.zip by admin

I make an update suggested by Ian Young of my microchip PIC16C7xx library\r\nUploaded by Philippe Corbes

37198 Downloads | 431 Likes | 08.22.2003

microchip-pic18fxx5x.lbr by admin

Microchip PIC18Fxx5x Serie MCUs (2550, 2455, 4550, 4455) DIP, SOIC & TQFP packages\r\nUploaded by PicNic from pic18fusb.online.fr

37189 Downloads | 429 Likes | 04.04.2006

led_rgb.lbr by admin

Package and schematic for a four pin RGB LED.\r\nUploaded by Jm Valera

37113 Downloads | 479 Likes | 01.08.2006

pic16f87x.lbr by admin

PIC16F87x library. Includes 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 876, and 877 devices. UPDATED 28 AUG 2004 Corrected wrong pin names for Vdd and Vss (missing \'@\' sign in pin names for parts with multiple Vdd and/or Vss pins).\r\nUploaded by Thomas Barlet from USA

36923 Downloads | 455 Likes | 08.29.2004

pot1.zip by admin

Library Potentiometers v1.0\r\nUploaded by Jos

36631 Downloads | 553 Likes | 05.28.2000

switch-tact.lbr by admin

Diptronics THMD & SMD tact switches\r\nUploaded by Pawel Szramowski from Silesian University of Technology, Poland

36491 Downloads | 479 Likes | 09.21.2007

65xxx.lbr by admin

6500 series components, DIP versions only. Includes the California Microdevices\' G65SC02P, G65SC22P, G65SC51P, and CM1232 (CMOS Microprocessor Monitor), as well as The Western Design Center\'s W65C02P and W65C02816P.\r\nUploaded by Thomas Barlet from USA

36313 Downloads | 406 Likes | 02.18.2004

bourns.lbr by admin

Bourns pots and components\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

36311 Downloads | 448 Likes | 01.09.2005

microchip-2.lbr by admin

This microchip library includes PIC18F8722 as well.\r\nUploaded by Behnam Rahnama from Eastern Mediterranean University

36183 Downloads | 432 Likes | 07.16.2005

lcd_parallel.lbr by admin

Parallel LCD Library - contains packages for the 14 pin DIP and SIP headers commonly found on parallel LCDs. The type of LCD\'s are usually alphanumeric for example a 4 line x 20 character display.\r\nUploaded by Blake Robertson from University Of Maryland

36084 Downloads | 412 Likes | 08.02.2003