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1smb59xx_10.lbr by samuell

1SMB59xx voltage regulator (Zener) diodes from ON Semiconductor. These diodes are supplied in a DO-214AA (SMB) package and are able to dissipate up to 3W of power.

4945 Downloads | 496 Likes | 04.26.2015

1sma59xx_10.lbr by samuell

1SMA59xx voltage regulator (Zener) diodes from ON Semiconductor. These diodes are supplied in a DO-214AC (SMA) package and are able to dissipate up to 1.5W of power.

4532 Downloads | 463 Likes | 04.26.2015

aquest.lbr by nyaqu

AQUEST Japaqnese one chip Text-to-speech LSI ATP3011, ATP3012 Series.

3602 Downloads | 481 Likes | 04.23.2015

s3x_10.lbr by samuell

S3A to S3N general purpose rectifiers from Fairchild. These diodes are available in a DO-214AB (SMC) package for surface mounting.

4762 Downloads | 440 Likes | 04.12.2015

s2x_10.lbr by samuell

S2A to S2M general purpose rectifiers from Fairchild. These diodes are supplied in a DO-214AA (SMB) package for surface mounting.

4269 Downloads | 420 Likes | 04.12.2015

s1x_10.lbr by samuell

S1A to S1M general purpose rectifiers from Fairchild. These diodes are supplied in a DO-214AC (SMA) package for surface mounting.

4246 Downloads | 455 Likes | 04.12.2015

pic18k6xk22.lbr by edob

PIC18F67K22, TQFP64

4782 Downloads | 451 Likes | 04.12.2015

stepper_driver.lbr by edob

ON Semiconductor LV8548MC, motor and stepper driver

5504 Downloads | 464 Likes | 04.12.2015

molex-sl-connectors_jw.lbr by SalbaheJim

This library contains every current Molex SL-Series PCB header available per the drawings on the Molex website. Included SL series: 70541, 70543, 70545, 70551, 70553, 70555, 70634, 74095, 74099 and 87898.

8003 Downloads | 477 Likes | 04.12.2015

thd-0501.lbr by MonikleS

Relevador electrónico miniatura de 1 polo, 2 tiros (SPDT) y bobina de 12 Vcc

3673 Downloads | 473 Likes | 04.08.2015