

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

nuf2101_10.lbr by samuell

NUF2101 USB filter from ON Semiconductor. Thus is a USB filter for downstream ports (on the host side). It provides USB termination, filtering and ESD protection.

3975 Downloads | 602 Likes | 08.29.2015

stf202_10.lbr by samuell

STF202 USB filter from ON Semiconductor. This is a USB filter for upstream ports (on the device side). It provides USB termination, filtering and ESD protection.

3933 Downloads | 614 Likes | 08.29.2015

g510.lbr by trebuH

FIBOCOM G510 gsm module.by trebuH

3793 Downloads | 610 Likes | 08.22.2015

lm1084-adj-to263.lbr by mcleber

LM1084-ADJ (TO-263) - 5A 29V - Voltage Regulator.

5575 Downloads | 569 Likes | 08.13.2015

rflib.zip by ChipDesign

ChipDesign has developed a general-purpose RF/microwave library for CadSoft Eagle, which it offers free-of-charge. PCB designers are nowadays confronted with transmission line effects, as the bandwidth of high-speed serial interfaces (DDR RAM, ethernet, PCI Express, SATA, USB), as well as the carrier frequency of wireless standards (2.45/5 GHz \"dual-band\" WiFi\"), continuously increases. The use of the RF components of said library reduces risk and time-to-market. Download the latest version from: http://chipdesign.be/software.html

6361 Downloads | 539 Likes | 07.24.2015

smf_10.lbr by samuell

SMF FTV (transient voltage suppressor) diodes from Littelfuse. These diodes are supplied in a SOD-123F package and can withstand up to 200W peak pulse power.

4348 Downloads | 540 Likes | 07.19.2015

sp4020_10.lbr by samuell

SP4020 TVS (transient voltage suppressor) diodes from Littelfuse. These are low capacitance TVS diodes presenting high surge capability.

4285 Downloads | 518 Likes | 07.19.2015

bourns_rl181s_series_inductors.lbr by mnothdurft

Library of Bourns (JW Miller) RL181S series of inductors

5231 Downloads | 539 Likes | 07.18.2015

glcd_winstar_240x128_wg240128b.lbr by Joseeduardo


4700 Downloads | 536 Likes | 07.15.2015

cdclvc11xx_10.lbr by samuell

CDCLVC11xx clock buffer from Texas Instruments. These are high performance clock buffers. The number of outputs varies according to the part number.

3875 Downloads | 502 Likes | 07.12.2015