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ti6713bpyp.lbr by admin

This is the 208 pin PYP version of the TI TMS6713B DSP. Works on a board I made but, as always, caveat emptor. The PowerPAD requires that layers 201 & 216 be activated in the CAM processor on the top and bottom layers respectively. Min Drill must be 13mil or less to avoid DRC errors on the PowerPAD vias. The symbols are McASP-centric, but can be easily modified to support the other port pin functions.\r\nUploaded by Bob Johnson from Renegade Labs Inc

19973 Downloads | 319 Likes | 05.16.2005

adxl103_203e.lbr by admin

Analog devices accelerometers. Builds upon the basic ADXL202 library. Please report any bugs to my email address. \r\nUploaded by I. Jaswal from indyjosh27202_at_hotmaildotcom

28628 Downloads | 326 Likes | 04.11.2005

ite-it81xx.lbr by admin

Part library for Integrated Technology Express ITE8152F StrongARM 11x0 to PCI bridge\r\nUploaded by Lewin Edwards from Digi-Frame, Inc

21190 Downloads | 407 Likes | 06.20.2001

hmc5883l.lbr by saeedmou

Library for GY-271 3-axis HMC5883L Compass Module.

3439 Downloads | 410 Likes | 09.03.2014

modflex-proflex01-r2.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for Integrated Transceiver Module for ZigBee / 802.15.4 (2.4 GHz). I\'ve created its footprint from scratch.

3305 Downloads | 541 Likes | 08.31.2014

ad7709.lbr by admin

AD7709 Analog Devices library from kuauhtemok KFE inc. \r\nUploaded by Cuauhtemoc Flores from KFE inc.

33751 Downloads | 346 Likes | 03.17.2005

adxrs300.lbr by admin

Analog Devices ADXRS Series Gyro\r\nUploaded by Emre AYDEMiR from Istanbul Technical University

31972 Downloads | 341 Likes | 03.08.2005

dsp_texas.lbr by admin

TMS320C32 Texas DSP library PQFP144 package.\r\nUploaded by Francisco Ruiz from Colombia

22016 Downloads | 311 Likes | 02.25.2005

analog_device_adxl202e.lbr by admin

+/- 2g Dual-Axis Acceleromert ADXL202E Analog Devices\r\nUploaded by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Fredi Kr

31228 Downloads | 354 Likes | 02.18.2005

laipac_technologie.lbr by admin

MODULE GPS TF30 deLEXTRONIC\r\nUploaded by b from etudiant

21537 Downloads | 323 Likes | 02.17.2005