

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

kingbright.lbr by admin

Kingbright SA display\r\nUploaded by Mauro Bottizzo

29877 Downloads | 391 Likes | 01.31.2006

drill-data.scr by admin

This dummy library contains drill data for reference. This is useful when you need to place mounting holes or vias for screw terminals, etc.\r\nUploaded by Kevin Callan

29845 Downloads | 387 Likes | 07.14.2004

led.lbr by admin

Add new devices: dual led, A or K common.\r\nUploaded by Federico Battaglin from www.febat.com

29835 Downloads | 372 Likes | 07.24.2007

advsocket-computer.lbr by admin

Div. Advanced Socket Computer Module im DIL-32 u. DIL-64 Format m. Ethernet-Interface, Flash, RAM, UARTS, I2C etc.\r\nUploaded by M.-O. Borck from synertronixx GmbH

29803 Downloads | 373 Likes | 06.25.2004

ap_saw.lbr by admin

SAFC915MA70N RF SAW filter library from Murata\r\nUploaded by Annalisa Pace from University of Arkansas, University of Utah

29785 Downloads | 361 Likes | 07.29.2004

linear-technology-3.lbr by admin

Added LTC4060 (Nimh battery charger), LTC4062 (LiIon battery charger), LTC3533 (Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter), LTC6900 and LTC6908 (oscillators) and LTC1624 (High Efficiency SSwitching Regulator Controller)\r\nUploaded by JEAN-LOUIS DARMANIN from TELEMAQ

29711 Downloads | 379 Likes | 02.04.2008

v-reg.lbr by admin

My adaptations to v-reg.lbr. Added new L78 types and others by Zetex, Sharp and others.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

29685 Downloads | 408 Likes | 01.09.2005

con-yamaichi-cf-2.lbr by admin

+ mmc card reader Part No: FLS 007-2323-0\r\nUploaded by Georg Siepmann

29656 Downloads | 357 Likes | 04.14.2006

ad624.lbr by admin

AD624 high precission op. amplifier \r\nUploaded by SebastianTurzanski from Linux.Poland

29643 Downloads | 371 Likes | 11.16.2006

con-riacon_akl.lbr by admin

Riacon AKL183 and AKL182 connectors (3,5mm Series).\r\nUploaded by R. Steigemann from ABW LTG-62

29619 Downloads | 370 Likes | 05.29.2009