

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

fairchild-fl7733a.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for new Fairchild device FL7733A which is Primary-Side-Regulated LED Driver with Power Factor Correction. It is available in SOP8 package.

3730 Downloads | 464 Likes | 03.05.2015

u_amp_max4081t-umax8.lbr by yttrium

Maxim IC 4.5 to 76V high-side miniature current sense amp.

3725 Downloads | 418 Likes | 01.14.2015

j_ethernet_pulse_j0011d01bnl.lbr by yttrium

Ethernet connector.

3719 Downloads | 441 Likes | 01.13.2015

wm8804.lbr by nikoladka

Eagle single part wm8804 cirrus/Wolfson digital audio chip.

3718 Downloads | 456 Likes | 02.01.2015

microchip-mrf24j40mb.lbr by cederom

MRF24J40MB 2.4 GHz IEEE Std. 802.15.4TM 20 dBm (long range) RF Transceiver Module from Microchip (Device Website). (C) 2014 Tomasz Boleslaw CEDRO, cederom@tlen.pl, http://www.tomek.cedro.info. Version 0.1 (2014-01-05): Initial release.

3709 Downloads | 422 Likes | 02.19.2014

ncs36000.lbr by DominikGuz

NCS36000 Passive Infrared (PIR) Detector Controller

3705 Downloads | 482 Likes | 09.17.2014

u_rovingnetworks_rn21_bluetooth.lbr by yttrium

Roving Networks bluetooth module

3669 Downloads | 432 Likes | 01.14.2015

bosch-bmm150.lbr by rich55uk

I\'ve designed the library for Bosch device BMM150 which is THREE-AXIS GEOMAGNETIC SENSOR with package WLCSP12-1.56x1.56mm.

3667 Downloads | 440 Likes | 02.16.2015

ice40hx1k-vq100.lbr by angelg

Lattice ICE40HX1K-VQ100 device, hand-made using iCE40 Pinout excel files and iCE Cube->\"package view\" by Angel Genchev, BG

3665 Downloads | 435 Likes | 10.12.2013

u_mcu_lpc2194-01_lqfp64.lbr by yttrium

The 60 MHz LPC2194 from NXP is based on a 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with 256 kB of embedded high-speed flash memory. This library could also be helpful for related parts including LPC2129, LPC2119, and LPC2109, as the pinouts are similar, perhaps almost identical.

3649 Downloads | 456 Likes | 01.14.2015